The Diet - Day Three

Oh, this is MEAN.  THEY expect me to work for my biscuits, you wouldn't believe it.

I have to really struggle to get stuff out of this blankety blank round thing - I tell you the cat gets more than I do.  And SHE only fills it up again every two days.  How cruel is that?

And my chicken stick treats that I ALWAYS get at half past eight at night used to be one from HER and one from HIM.  Now it's only half from HER and half from HIM.

And then the mince that they put out on the deck for the magpies - they steal it from under my nose - yes they do.  I only get the merest crumb.

I'm going to fade away to a shadow, I know I am.  And I'm looking thinner already.  If you all tell HER I am fading away, SHE might believe it.  SHE might - but then again she might not, especially when she picks me up.

Life is so hard for a small black dog.

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