
By Cigs

Hawkhill Avenue (well, just off it, actually)

Needs must....

I dropped the dahlings at school, and made the mistake of turning up before the bell. Thus I duly got collared by Isla's mum "Oh you must be Alex's dad" she gushed. I'm shivering in cycling gear, waiting for the bell to go so I can race home and start work, "I can see where he gets his height from" I smile weakly and resist the urge to throttle her. Thankfully the bell went (saved!) and I made my excuses and rushed off.

So the day has largely been plodding through e mails and updating things as necessary. Time and a half, though. And I've been absorbing Teeth of the Sea's Highly Deadly Black Tarantula as I've been working.

But even doing overtime I have to take a half hour off every six hours. The sun was shining, the bike was just here...why not? So I sprinted to EH7 and nabbed this one. A teeny weeny one in white pen like the other three here; undated but perfectly formed.

I'm now safely back at CigsHQ and working away steadily, racking up the hours. Christmas is a comin' and those expensive games and toys won't buy themselves. There is cold beer waiting for me when I;m gone. And then cold Spanish white wine to wash down the cold beer with....

In other graffiti related news, the fuzz are turning up the heat this winter

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