
By EarlGrey

Little blue baby...

Well this little cherub is looking for a new home and we are going to visit her Russian Blue breeder tomorrow and meet her wee momma too.

Not sure we are doing the right thing we are still grieving so much for Earl but it's been so lonely without Sooty & Earl we need cheering up. The kids miss their cuddles and their meowing round the house.

Sometimes I feel like maybe it's too soon but at the same time how long do you wait?! I've had cats all my life, maybe the shock of losing Sooty and Earl so close together has just been too much. 15 years is such a long time to be left with nothing. I never imagined this time last year that they would both be gone. It was bad enough we lost 2 family members last year too.

Part of this choosing a kitten is mixed feelings of guilt. I'm not trying to replace Earl by choosing the same breed, he is irreplaceable but even my husband feels like we are trying to fill a huge gap. It's hard to know what to do for the best. I always loved Russian Blue cats and this lovely family who breed them near where we live, we also know them. This lovely lady was a home help for husbands Dad for a few years before she moved to the country for a larger house and build a cattery so it's great we know her!

Their other queen if all went to plan should be pregnant and due a litter in February which means kittens wouldn't be ready until March-April. Seems so far away. Even then there no guarantee there will be a male kitten. Maybe this kitten being female will feel less like a reminder of Earl.

We go see her tomorrow and I can't see us not taking her, especially as the kids are coming. I've warned the breeder who I know and knows we have recently lost Earl to have the tissues on standby, not quite sure how I'll cope with several Russian Blue adults wandering around.

Earl is the reason this breeder decided to keep a boy after breeding her girls. She also has another male RB, she loved Earl when she first saw him. The good thing is we know this family and like us they have kids running about so the cats are used to a busy home.

I've never bought a kitten before, she comes from 5 generations of champion winners and her father is a Grand Champion. It's probably all a bit lost on me because I've always rescued kittens but she sure looks a cutie. She isn't ready to leave her mummy for another 2 weeks

Wish me luck....

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