Strike that. Reverse it!


Day 181 - On the Shelf

This is my favourite shelf and my wordly possessions. Its hidden from view but I know its there.

It may look like a random shelf but each object on this shelf has huge sentimental value.

There's Morris which was bought for me by my lovely nan. My nan loved Morris and I remember her buying it whilst on holiday in Morecambe. We always went to Morecambe every September holiday. Have very fond memories of these holidays with just my brother, nan and I.

SingingTed who was always my favourite teddy. I could only go to sleep if my dad wound him as tight as possible so that the music would lull me to sleep. He looks very battered but so would you if you'd travelled everywhere and been as manhandled as he has, plus he is not so far off 40 now.

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