Learning day by day

By EmmaF

I came third!

She looks so pleased with herself, in her bloomer style PE shorts. Sports day finally went ahead and Carys did the egg and spoon, the sack race and the 30m flat race. She came third in each race and was so, so chuffed. But generally she just loved the occasion, grinning and laughing with the year 6 helpers, talking to the head on the start line and waving at us in between races.

William was really good for most of it, sitting on Daddy's knee, but acting as if he would melt when it did start to rain. He was very reluctant to do the toddler race, until he was actually on the start line when he turned into Forrest Gump, ran like the wind, through the finish line and didnt stop until one of the teachers ran after him and caught him! "I winner!" is all I have heard all afternoon.

Mummy and Daddy took part in the appropriate parent's races (balancing a quoit on the head and with hands behind the back walking to the finish line. Neither of us decided to show our potential, we will hold that in reserve for another year!

It was report day today too. Lovely report, very detailed assessment of our Minnie. I have every confidence in this school being the right place for Carys, they have got her spot on in this report. It highlighted what she is good at, what we can look to do over the summer to help her with speeding up her writing and improving her ability with money. Some quite humorous comments about the way she acts in school and basically said she is a lovely little girl, who will be missed by her teacher next year, is popular with her peers and has started her school life really well and if she continues in the same vein she will do really well. Very proud parents.

Monday brings a letter from school saying what class she will go into in September, but before that we have Poppa's 70th birthday weekend. Which reminds me, I need to go ice those cakes.

Very heavily cropped photo, I do apologise, but it was the best I could do to avoid having other kids in the shot.

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