We woke to the rain battering the bedroom skylight, but we could not complain, we'd had almost two weeks of very un-Scottish weather so far. We used the time to pack as much as we could for our leaving tomorrow and when the weather cleared a bit we went out for a spot of final bird watching.

The Fossil Centre was also on the list for a visit and it was superb; their exhibitions are magnificent and the write ups for the vast array of fossils and stones are very interesting and informative. A bit more birding followed on a meandering route home though we were battling through low mist, but it was at least good to see what the weather can really be like!

Back in the village I went for a nice long solitary browse at the art exhibition in the craft shop. A peaceful interlude near the end of a wonderful holiday.

The last of the packing was dealt with and our last dinner prepared. I can't remember why or how it came about but that meal is always Chilli con carne, rice and sweetcorn, and whatever is left in the fridge for pudding. But tonight we had an extra special dessert. Down our outside steps I went in the rain, carrying two large, empty, clean white plates, and into the restaurant, where the owner had laughed when asked last night, but said that yes, by all means we could have two takeaway puddings. This restaurant has more awards and stars than you could shake a serving spoon at, but where else but in Orkney could you find such lovely people? Thank you The Creel, we will definitely be back.

By the way, it's Vanilla and Marmalade ice cream in a crispy, melt in the mouth basket, with the lightest, creamiest lemon tart with a brulee topping, I have ever tasted. Sod the diet.

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