unfair comparison

After successfully remembering about yesterday's year-on-year shot I completely forgot that this one was coming up so shortly afterwards, meaning that I had to make do with the lighting and increasingly sleepy wingpiglet in his bedroom after brushing his teeth, in case taking him back downstairs resulted in some sort of permanent disablement of the current effectiveness of the teeth-book-sleep process.

I had been intending to try and finish earlyish today to get back to help wrangle the boy whilst he was off (though he was fine all day) but ended up staying whilst I checked that what appeared to be a solution to something which has been being a pain in the arse on-and-off for the last few months really worked, which it did, which shall make next week quite pleasing if I can get everything completed alongside the end-of-the-month stuff and being on the solve queue, which will at least involve having to make sure I get in nice and early though which is usually good for at least a couple of hours' work each day when the duty falls at the beginning of the month, particularly at the beginning of a quarter.

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