What a crazy day.x

School fair today so very busy.Cakes arrived by the thousands!!! so felt rather sick by morning play time..... well someone has to make sure they are ok for selling!!!!
The fair seemed to be well supported for such a small school. I spent the afternoon in 'Soak the Teacher' where the children throw wet sponges at me. Had a great time.Everyone was busy selling books,cakes,tea and coffee and the children looked to be having a great time. Home by 4.30pm so cut the front lawn ,then David and Chris arrived and we set to getting things ready for tomorrow. Tanya arrived and has helped getting all the food prepared. Don't think i would of made it to bed at all if she hadn't been here. Now off to relax......... sleeeeeep before Tanya is back with bread rolls at 8.30am!!!!!!!!! x

The photo is of us grabbing 5 mins to have tea tonight, We ate outside to save the house smelling of chips!!!! x

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