
By wsjohnson

New York, New York, the Big Apple

So then, after attending "The Game" up in New Haven yesterday - Harvard trounced Yale (38-19 in case you're interested) - and spending the afternoon on campus (plus visiting friends in Orange) engaging in discussions regarding the "events" in the Law School; as if we had some sort of 'foreign' insight as to the what and why of it all 

- really, you think we would -

Moving on, for reasons I probably should realize (the lady has not changed in all these 25 plus years) She had the driver drop us off uptown upon our return to the city, for the evening dinner at Sylvia's, followed by drinks at the Red Rooster, there was a dance troupe at the Apollo, so no, but yeah, having not been uptown for over 15 years, a fun time was had by all (even me)

And so today's photo (if you can call it that) is of the city's skyline down to the Empire State Building (sorry Kong was not home) taken from the top of the Rockefeller Center (30 Rock)

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