Today's Special

By Connections

Sharing Nicely

We've awakened to heavy frosts the last few days, and the bird feeder has suddenly become a popular place to "hang out," for which we're grateful! This morning we had Black-capped Chickadees, Song Sparrows, Spotted Towhees, Dark-eyed Juncos like this trio, and even a Downy Woodpecker

I had a passable photo of the latter, but he was just hanging on the feeder, not doing anything particularly interesting, so I decided to feature this trio of Dark-Eyed Juncos, as I liked the attentive look of the male on top of the feeder as the female approached, and the second male patient waiting his turn on the deck rail.

The extra photo shows three male juncos, one escaping with a bit of suet in his beak and both his feet and wings drawn in. They move so quickly that I can't remember if he was gliding to the deck rail or unfurled his wings after I took this and headed further afield.

Off to a concert now, a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

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