
By pattons6


I love my sister. My sister loves me. I know this as her first word, after Da Da, was Isla. She regularly shouts out, looking for me.

Mummy finds it funny that we are already so close. We play together nicely when she is cooking, in the shower & ironing.

Today we went to pick up some bags for playgroup. We also got some personalised fairy decorations for out tree. Mummy just needs to find a new tree. Our one is very lopsided. To the point that she is worried Zara will pull one branch & it will land on her. So new tree it is!

We then went to play at grandma & grandads. We had lunch. My little sister not only had her purée but also some soup. She was very hungry.
We both fell asleep on the way home with full tummies.

Once home we had a lovely tea. Then I danced round the livingroom. First with my teddy, then mummy and then daddy. I loved it.

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