Shaker Knitting Box

A bit of an emergency blip today because once our Comcast account was officially closed, they dropped us, email and all, like a hot potato. We are now in the process of notifying everybody we can think of, and probably a lot that won't occur to us until it becomes an emergency, of our change to gmail so that with any luck we'll never have to go through this again.

Will indicated an interest in going to Flying Goat with us this morning and over hot chocolate and Aztek mochas told us that the essay he and I have been working on for weeks has finally been pronounced "solid" by his college counselor. Cause for a bit of celebration this evening.

Peter and Jim have flown off to spend Thanksgiving with Jim's parents, so Dana and Will will join us for dinner tonight.Perhaps Will can help me sort our which emails must be changed and which ones can remain as they are.

Blake had a certain 'procedure' on Friday and is wearing the 'cone of shame' so that he doesn't lick his stitches. He has discovered that it is a good sun catcher if he points his head in the right direction and also a handy holder for his toys, but he has also knocked over chairs and tables and bashed everyone in the legs.  He will be joining us this evening, cone and all. Not much furniture he can knock over here, I hope.

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