
By gennepher


...I was doing great on the laptop working from the portable apps on the SD card until Windows suddenly popped on the screen suddenly saying I had to put more volume on the card to continue to use it????? And then I would have to format it to use it again. Huh!

It is a 64 GB card and only has about 1GB taken up with the portable apps. The rest I have left free so I can use the apps, which also includes the browser.

So that was me stumped. Googled it but no clear answer. It wouldn't let me do anything. In the end I had to shut the laptop down. Started it up again. Still the same problem.

So with a sigh I pressed format. Oh no you can't do that it said, you will lose all your data. Yes I know I will lose my data on the SD card, but it is all backed up on a USB stick and the simplest thing to do is format it and copy all the files from the USB stick. Just time consuming is all, but in the meantime I can upload this photo on to blip that I took between the rain this morning, and write this laptop tale of woes...

Oh it's 66% complete...not bad... maybe a cuppa and a lemon Bon Bon from yesterday might pass the rest of the upload time...

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