
By LoJardinier

COP21 minus 7

The global conference whose aim is to tackle climate change - COP21 - is due to start in seven days' time in Paris. The subject has been very much on my mind for some time and I've decided to try to find a photo each day to reflect my concern. 
'Paris' now conjures up many other images, and the demonstration which was planned for Sunday has been banned under the state of emergency declared in France. I still don't know if the demo planned for Montpellier, which I'd hoped to attend, will be allowed.
The photo shows a collection of cans strung up on the railing of a disused railway track in my town - shame that the railway, an ecologically sound mode of transport, has been replaced by a nearby motorway carrying mostly lorries to and from Spain; and I wondered if our efforts to reduce CO2 emissions would make as much impact as this display of old tins has made on our throwaway habits. On verra bien.

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