Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Very wet

Dris my german shorthaired pointer and I were invited to go beating on a pheasant shoot for a local estate as they were short on beaters. I did think it might be cancelled when i looked at the forecast for today but it was not. It was incredibly wet but that didnt put anyone off. Dris had great fun and did very well at pointing and flushing the pheasants. This picture is the only one I took and i risked my phone for it. He is pointing a pheasant in the rhododendrons. Such a contrast to yesterday. It was so wet that one of the rivers was flowing over the top of the bridge. This was were i discovered that my wellies now leak! Soaked through but nice folk including a couple of friends on the shoot. Also got to take home a pheasant.

A bit disappointed not to have a better photo to begin my new year of my journal but this is it!!

8c a lot of rain!!

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