my journal

By zuma

Husband is invited to Cookie Party on Friday. One of the rules is to bring your home baked cookies. Despite it Husband was going to get some from a shop, so I volunteered to bake cookies for him and the guests at the party. I am a terrible baker, and this is quite a challenge. It took me a while to find the 'simple' recipe that I imagined which is not too sweet with spicy flavour, and more importantly I could bake. I chose Cardamom Biscuits.

I am glad I tried once before Friday. Here is the photo of the biscuits. They are burned on the bottom... I googled the problem and found that quite a lot of people have same problems! 
A. The oven temperature was too high.
B. The cookie sheet should be a lighter colour one because the dark ones absorb the heat from the bottom of the oven and may cause burning.
C. The ruck was put too low, so it might help by moving the ruck higher.
D. Place a second baking trey/cookie sheet on the middle or bottom rack to prevent the cooking sheet gets too hot on the bottom.

Apart from the visual problem, everything went well! They actually taste nice. I will try the same recipe one more time before Husband heads for a shop to buy fancy looking ones.

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