Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit

"Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones."
Benjamin Franklin

For once, I am not in the bad books. Apart from my continuing to jump up at cars, but aprecious says that she'll gloss over that. And the random day time barkathon. And my current interest in socks. And the inners of toilet rolls. But- aprecious says she'll gloss over all that too because as aggravating, and downright annoying as that is, it pales into insignificance compared to what the Pud did yesterday.

Picture the scene. aprecious, happy as Larry (who is this Larry?) having had a productive morning came downstairs to let me out. Through the kitchen, no bother, then the cubby hole (strange house) and - pause - aprecious looks about, bemused by large collection of water droplets, steps out into the back room lets me out of my house. She wonders why I haven't come running to the back door, my usual habit. Looks up, comes back to get me - notices

Den den dern

The dead rabbit!

Much girly screaming and general hysteria. And then aprecious comes to her senses leaves me in the kitchen runs around the house, out of the front door, in through the back whereupon the Pud is flipping the aforementioned bunny in a slightly sinister fashion. She shouts and sorts it out with an audience of all four cats looming.

She is forced to have a large cream cake as a result. And a small gin. And a little sleep.

But at least the spot light was taken off me long enough to discover how the butter dish works. Very nice!

I don't mind telling you this shot is SOOC! Haha - I personally love it. This photo, of all the photos I have ever taken, captures the essence of the beast I live with!

Out at 7:00am. Now on an adventure!

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