Blue Mountains Icons 1

Not being content with my "Kitchen Art" and "Glimpses Of Blackheath" series, I now begin my "Blue Mountains Icons" series. It is entirely possible that other Blue Mountain's blippers will have shot some of these already. In that event may I humbly apologise.

Of course Blue Mountains Icons have BECOME Blue Mountains Icons BECAUSE they have been photographed a lot, but that doesn't mean that overseas blippers have ever seen them. So anyway, here goes.

I begin with "Cyclorama Point". We are looking out over the Jamison Valley, (a little west of Katoomba) toward the distant Mt Solitary. The great, sheer, yellow cliff face, in the centre of the picture, is our icon. It was here that in 1931 an enormous section of the escarpment broke away from the rest and slid (with much ceremony and noise) into the valley below. The resultant huge pile of boulders and debris has since been overgrown with rainforest and become known as "The Landslide".

I suppose it came by its name because of the way it behaves when bright afternoon sunshine hits it. It positively glows as if it was being lit by carefully placed stage floods

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