Nice surprises

This week Dave is working late into the evening on most nights and has a couple of early starts as well, so I've been a bit apprehensive about how this will effect little un and how knackered I'd be... then yesterday she refused to take a nap, and I was thinking... oh no, here we go... however I was able to bring tea and bedtime forward which meant she conked out at 7:30!... Then because Dave had decided to sleep in the spare room last night because of the early start today ( first time in nearly 12 years )  it was just me and little un in our room... she woke at 12:30 wanting out of the cot and in with me,  and then slept until ten past eight,  with only one tiny request for some milk at about 6am ... this was the best night's kip I've had since she moved in...   

so that was the first nice surprise...

The next one was today, when we were heading out of the house,  and our lovely neighbour Cath popped over,  with some little dolls clothes that she had knitted specially for Little un to play with... I've made so many new friends since little un has come into our lives, she's a popular little sausage and everyone wants to know her :-) 

Finally little un has skipped a nap again today,  but again she's asleep before 7:30....I'm hoping we repeat last night's success although it's all three of us squished in tonight, so I'm not going to count on it just yet...

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