Lost And Found

Mum was packing our dancing gear this morning when all of a sudden she exclaimed: But where is Hedwig?! Since she always sleeps in her cage and I am not allowed to play with her or carry her around, I had no idea. We looked everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found. She must be in the car, said mum. But a small voice in our heads said: what if she isn't? Hedwig is our loyal friend and my dance partner. What if she has gone missing? For real?

She wasn't in the car. Mum started to panic. We drove right to where we saw her last, which was at the dog club yesterday, keeping our paws and fingers crossed. What if someone had taken her? Will she be gone forever?

We hurried towards the agility field. At first we saw nothing, and our hearts sank. But then, to one side, there was a familiar white lump.... And there she was! With frost on her tummy and ice on her beak, and a bit muddier than usual - Hedwig! We were SO HAPPY! She must have flown off unnoticed and missed that we were leaving. She has now gotten a bath and is hanging to dry on a coat hanger, singing of her own accord every now and then. I hope it means she is happy too!

Mum, distracted, managed to lose something else loading us all into the elevator. She dropped her iPhone and...no, no, no...it fell through the narrow opening and down in the elevator shaft and landed with a crack. Not sure yet how this will end.

And - I am a big sister again! Three tiny half-siblings, two brown and one black, were born during the night. They look more like hamsters without eyes than poodles, in my opinion.

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