Patrea's Pics

By Patrea

200th Blip - Claim settled

This 200th blip should have happened last week but I have been so snowed under taking photos has been far from my mind. The pre hearing for stephs court case (car accident claim) was held and settled out of court. This photo is of the law office. It is such a relief that its all over and she can now move on with her life. It is unfortunate that she is unable to return to aged care. She loved this so much. Retraining is the focus now.
Friday we go to New Zealand to visit family and I need to do some work. We will see my mother in law who has recently turned 102. Im thinking I might need to pull out the winter wardrobe. Going from 35 to 22 could prove to be chilly.
Thank you all for your encouragement & stars. I aim to get back into blip when I return. :-)

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