Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Tidy house tidy mind??

So I got my personal statement done in the end, it was avery hard especially as I had to cut it down to 4000 characters including spaces!!!!

Stupid work application forms.

No idea if I will even get an interview but we can but try. Closing date is monday and the interviews the week after so I should know by the middle of next week.
Today was spent catching up on my housework as I haven't been in the mind set to do it over the last few days.

My moods are still up and down really. So times life just takes it's toll.

Scan appointment in four days and am starting to feel really sick and nervous about it. Mr L is now coming with me as the surgery messed up his test for a second time. We have to drop his sample of direct to the clinic ourselves not via the GP's. Why they didn't tell us this in the first place is beyond me! So he is going to do that tuesday either before or after my appointment.

Shall keep you up dated on the job and the appointment.

Hope you all have a good weekend and this weather stops being rubbish

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