
If you're one of my Facebook friends you'll know exactly why I literally laughed out loud earlier this evening when the Digital Photography School theme arrived in my inbox! 'Wind.'

If they'd sent it yesterday I would have gone the pretty way to work and photographed the wind farm but instead you get the main culprit of the other type of wind!

Stupidly high blood pressure this morning so I was running late already & a little bit concerned I'd declared myself recovering from the dizzies too early. At least I was confident of being sure-footed, I always tended to fall over when it fell really low for no fathomable reason. 

I don't know why. The only thing I did that was unusual yesterday evening was collect a blood sample for a Vitamin D deficiency test. 

All good again now but once again playing catch-up over at the blog. I have a half-written poem to finish for tomorrow morning and a few reviews to sort. Not to mention I'm still spending 5 minutes here & there wading through old posts fixing broken links...really should have moved to Wordpress with my own domain sooner! 

Amazing how much screen time you lose when you feel well enough to leave the house innit?! :) 

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