Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Action baby

I'll probably jinx myself by writing this, but Henry has slept much better since he started crawling! Last night he slept straight through from 10.40pm until 5am, had a quick feed then slept until 7.10am, very civilised! Then we had breakfast and I went out to the dentist and he had an almost 2 hour nap while I was out. Today's blip is an action shot of the crawling, and tonight we're going to try and babyproof as much as we can.

The dentist was fine, although I had to have 2 new fillings and a bit more added to an older filling. Hopefully they won't all drop out within the week like the others did.

We came home, nipped out to Fosse Park to buy me some moisturiser and look at suits for Neil then came home in time for a nappy explosion and a nap, and I've just made chicken Caesar salad. It's been a good day!

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