
So, rather excitingly, they bought me a record player for my birthday (and a charity shop copy of ‘Setting Sons’) and I’ve been working my way through the small pile of inherited vinyl in the bureau cupboard. We’ve got three Beatles albums, two Stones albums, ‘Otis Blue’, ‘The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan’, ‘Innervisions’, ‘Exodus’, ‘Imagine’…Oh, and the original cast recording from the musical ‘Hair…!’ Not a bad selection at all. There’s a little skip on the first track on ‘Exile On Main Street’ that I found I remembered rather  fondly, since the version I had on tape as a teenager was recorded from this album. (It’s got a lovely, slightly scuffed  gatefold sleeve too – I think I might even have most of the free postcards that came with it hidden away somewhere…)

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