Flower Friday : : Arbutulon

The family, lodged in two different houses , has managed several forays out into the real world today, each in keeping with the age and interests of those involved. I picked up daughter-in-law Amy and granddaughter Claire and we went to an 8am Pilates class, continuing on to Flying Goat afterward. Coffee was purchased for Matt and hot chocolate for Julia.

Back at our house OilMan and Tim fed Maya and Owen some Cheerios that the kids said "had dog food in them". Upon closer examination, the ones that hadn't already been eaten by  OilMan,indeed interspersed with something darker in color and definitely not Cheerios, although probably not dog food either, so tTim and John and the little kids repaired to what we fondly refer to as "gas station coffee place" just a few blocks from the house.

We are all going to have turkey tortilla soup tonight, and probably for the entire month since it is made from the meat and bones of our entire 15 pound Thanksgiving turkey. The consensus is that although the turkey wasn't frozen when we brought it home, putting it on top of the frozen ice packs in a cooler froze the bottom of the bird which then wasn't cooked when the rest of the turkey was done.  

The house is full of blow up beds, bags of ugly lamps, singing Elvises, and strange furry scarves that look like beards (from the White Elephant gift exchange) but the little kids are playing happily outside, the teen agers are probably hanging out at Dana's, and the rest are wine tasting. It's been a wonderful family gathering.

The dogs may not agree, since most of them were left at home away from all the food.

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