All Quiet at the Beaver Pond

Dear Diary,

After four days of fun, conversation and activity this tranquil moment by the  Beaver pond is just what I needed.  It was absolutely still and a bit misty after our warm temperatures.  Things will be returning to more normal temperatures this coming week but still no snow in sight.

It is Advent, a time of waiting.  It is also the time for me to change over the house to Christmas.  Time to put away the Thanksgiving things and bring out the tiny tree and other special things that say "Christmas" for me.  I won't be doing a whole lot this year.  Unlike Thanksgiving, it will be a quiet time for me and Emerson.

I am gathering up my winter reading and stacking it next to my chair and I just got a new CD audio book to listen to.  I love this quiet time between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I will finish printing my cards and start wrapping presents interspersing all this with forays into the landscape to see what gifts Nature has to offer.

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