
Today we went to Ikea and bought a new high chair - Grandbaby has been using her father's highchair; it may even have belonged to the other three!  (10 year gap before the last!)  and a little cabinet for the bedroom etc.  got back - no blip.

Walked to church and as I walked back the heavens opened!  with my tiny umbrella I watched the rain bouncing on the tarmac and thought - there's a good blip - but no way would I get my camera out !  Still no blip!

Home and made dinner and for dessert we ate a pomegranate.  My first for many, many years.  I had watched a video but this hammering with a wooden spoon did not work!  Took ages to get the seeds out of one half!  The taste was good but the gritty pips not so good.

Please those of you who eat these on a regular basis how do you prepare them and eat them.  Any good recipes?  I have one half left!!

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