OilMan Goes Shopping

The temperatures have been Arctic the last week, forcing us to dig out all our warm clothing, much of it dating back our backpacking/skiing days. The sun was shining icily as we walked at Spring Lake, taking the high route around three dams to maximize our time in the sun. 

Since we had Ozzie with us at Flying Goat, our seating choices were the car or the railroad tracks, so we joined the rest of the hearty/dog owning/sun seekers sitting on the curb next to the tracks.

It has recently come to my attention that OilMan has had his Oakland Athletics  jacket for twenty years and never washed it. I recruited Dana to help me drag him to the store for a new, warmer one. The fact that he is always complaining about being cold helped too, since it was 26 degrees last night and still only about 31 when we set off for our walk this morning.

Once we got him into the store, the young man helping him gave him the  jump start he needed, and he was happily off buying warm layers and new gloves, leaving me free to buy my own new gloves to replace the ones I bought 20 years ago and washed hundreds of times, but recently lost, along with a hat.

It would be just like OilMan to decide that his new, warm jacket is "too good" to wear anywhere, therefore I was tempted to hide the A's jacket once we got home, but he went off to the grocery store wearing it, so I wandered around the garden trying to capture the dying light, particularly nice this time of year.

Perhaps I can sequester the jacket once he goes to bed. I don't think he sleeps in it….

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