
19400 steps (twice as many for ME), 11.4 Km and 51 floors of height gain / loss as the Walkers went from Waterfall Creek (no waterfall there) to Glendhu Bay on the Millennium track. Not all the team elected to walk this far which was good as we needed them to return and bring some cars to the end so we could all get back for the important coffee (diet Coke) meeting at Edgewater after.

You can see what the day was like. It restored everyone’s  weather faith and it just has to last until Thursday as The Boss is hosting the  Wanaka Seniornet Christmas Shindig under the big tree in our garden. I will be chief meeter and greeter….What?…..Oh there are plans…..Oh……it appears that I may have a limited part in this with all that food about…Sign…. I will phone my lawyer.
Us dogs have rights.  The Boss says we have lefts too…oh…


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