The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

My beautiful boy ..

I didn't seem to have any of the day to myself. It poured and poured all day. Mum's one and only church visitor turned up this morning (she never rings first, grrrrr) .. the CPN was due at 2 and I had a call from some sort of private medical set up who do work for the NHS. It's a new set up - and they visit everyone over 75 (we were referred by mum's GP) to see if they have any unmet needs (I think) So they came at 3.

Having resisted help until now, I've *allowed* them to look into singing groups and dementia groups that mum could attend. Also there is some sort of 'sitting' service which we could make use of.

Twice today I could have throttled poor mum .. firstly because of the mess she kept making with her pudding - spooning it onto her tray, upturning the bowl - and then getting angry with me for spooning in back into the bowl ..

Before I screamed I decided to pop out to the garage and fill up the van - when I came back I found her ripping pages out of the album of old family photographs I made her a few years ago.


Here's Jack, who came for his meds this morning - good boy :)

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