Stokes Croft

Yesterday, the Guardian featured Stokes Croft in its Let's Move to section. It stated that when the revolution comes, it'll probably start in Stokes Croft and furthermore what was a few years ago a scruffy lair of crackheads and clubs has been spirited into Bristol's Most Bohemian Neighbourhood.

The case against living there states that it might be a bit too cool for school.

Well, there you go. We are moving in that general direction but I probably have never been cool and haven't spent a massive amount of time striving to be. Anyway, who's in charge of Cool?

So, a perfect start to the morning with a nice run along the Portway in the drizzle and back for a coffee and this before 10.30. The picture of the street art was taken whilst running through Stokes Croft, hence the blurb above. It's important that Frosty reaches a wider audience!

I have been instructed, pre house move (August) to sort my socks today. We are moving to a bigger house where the single drawer full of socks I possess shouldn't be a massive issue but Mrs Running Backwards probably has a point!

Update: Socks sorted!

Run #11: 9.34 miles@9.13 min/mile.

Anybody on endomondo who fancies a running challenge? Earthdreamer?!

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