Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


... and my new gi

Well, what I thought might be in the mail, was not. But I did create the opportunity to stop in to Shogun Martial Arts Supplies in the 'Riff (well, Jamisontown, really), and get myself a new, and better-fitting, gi. Thus, today's photo shows a bit of the gi. 

And I may well challenge myself to make a photo of something karate-related every day.

Today included a half-hour's karate training before dinner. I implemented some of the comments Kancho made on my videos, and in the end, I was very happy with my performance of the kata Heian Sandan. 

Worth Flickring.


A side note, which kind of pleases me. My usual online nickname, "tsuken" is one I made up, derived from the Japanese for moon (because I had been going by "moondog"), that being "Tsuki". Tsuki also means a punch, or strike, so now that I'm back into karate-do, I'm well-pleased with tsuken as a nickname. (the use of "ken", which can mean a lord, gives an unintended arrogance to it which I'm not entirely happy about, but I'll slide past that...)

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