Dick's Pics

By RichardDonkin

Summer on the patio - don't you believe it

Out with the gingham table cloth, chairs, breakfast things and matching jam pot to enjoy a sunny Sunday morning on the patio. Don't you believe it. The sun had already gone in when this photograph was taken. Moments later the heavens opened and we were diving inside for cover. Still, the camera can't lie, surely. Oh yes it can. Another little lie is that I used fill-in flash and I've softened the image a little that takes, ahem, a few years off Gill ("you're not telling them, are you?" she says.) Now she's saying she wants me to crop it for her Facebook picture. And you can bet she makes sure her (younger) sister sees it too.

Anyway, when it's warm and sunny this is indeed how we like to take breakfast even if it is as rare as a transition of Venus.

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