Travels with Alfie

By DavidCullen

If you go down to the woods today....

The sun shone, the breezes blew and Alfie and I made the most of it this morning.

I only seem to get one day of photo opportunities a week which is frustrating - I could have posted about half a dozen today. Oh well.

Number one son returned safely from his rock festival in Germany - I'm so proud of him and not a little envious. He is with us a few days before heading off camping in the Isles of Scilly for a week. Oh to be 16 again (in reality - because I am 16 in my head, even if my body doesn't quite believe it).

Number two son returned from his bushcraft week tired and smelly. As if he needed any further encouragement to be feral. He was covered in insect bites from head to foot. When we asked him why he didn't use the insect repellent, he replied that he noticed it was highly flammable and he was worried about the campfire. I think he envisaged becoming a human torch, which would have put a bit of a downer on the week.

Thank you for your kind wishes - I am much better now and will be blipping and enjoying your blips - even if I can't manage everyday.

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