Astute Jargon

By LeslieOakes

Just in time

I know there isn't anything special about this photo - but to me it's a favourite.

I was assisting photographing a wedding and as I got to our drive Aidan, Caitlin and Jake (our dog, you can just see his back in this photo) were out. Aidan is eight and the only one of the four who has not learned to ride his bike because he's been so scared of falling and hurting himself, but he was on a bike without stabilisers trying.

I got out of the car and explained that he would be better not balancing with both feet on pedals first, but putting one foot on a pedal, then pushing himself forward and bringing his other foot up. It was a lightbulb moment for him, and his first couple of attempts were wobbly but he was riding his bike. Since then he hasn't been off of it - and his normal tidy self is covered in mud, and his clothes are often damp from being out in the rain and drizzle.

I like this photo because it's a nice reminder that my concern of missing out on them growing up because I'm working has been kept at bay. I'm not missing out...Not yet anyway.

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