Treasure Everywhere

By RobT

The Saturday Routine

Working away from home, I really appreciate the weekends, and as I get older I also appreciate the routines we seem to have settled into... the Saturday morning routine goes something like:

- Dog barks early and wakes us up
- We let him kip on the bed for a couple of hours so we all get a lie-in
- Coffee (him) and tea (her)
- Saturday Kitchen on the telly (her), Facebook photo competition stuff (him)
- Walk into town for a few bits of food for the weekend
- Stop at a cafe (appropriately named Cafe Stop) for another coffee and *sometimes* a toasted teacake

The most interesting thing we did yesterday was a Plan B concert in Dalby Forest! But I didn't take the camera and the iphone shots were terrible. So you got toasted teacakes.

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