More cutting art

Still looking for holes in everyday objects and in whatever I can find at home, and with yesterday's paper doily pattern in mind I thought about our Balinese wayang kulit puppets. These are mini versions of the puppets used in the shadow plays in Indonesia, often to depict parts of the stories out of the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, the Hindu holy texts. As you can see even these souvenir versions have beautiful colours, but these obviously won't be noticed when they are being used as shadow puppets behind a screen. Even though the faces of these may look a bit scary to the Western eye, there 's a way to see if these dolls represent a good guy or a bad guy. The good guys and gals have long straight noses, the bad guys and gals have short pudgy crooked noses. :-) So this is a good guy ! There's a black and white version of this image in the extras to show the shape that would come through when used as a shadow.

Thanks very much for your kind comments and stars on yesterday's paper cutting Blip.

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