Corner Scene After School

Students on their way home on their bicycles, shot on my way back to the car.  The original was in colour but I've discovered that sepia works quite well when I shoot a scene like this.  As I mentioned yesterday, Windows 10 doesn't have the sepia tool.  When this laptop conks out eventually, I'd better make sure I install Windows Photo Gallery in the new one.  In the meantime, hubby has uninstalled Windows 10, too.  He waited three days and was prepared to get used to it and embrace it, but it just didn't work and in the end he decided to give it up.

I did shoot a Tiny Tuesday beetle on the kitchen countertop when I got home.  Hubby spotted it while he was cooking.  I didn't find it up to 'standard', though, when I looked at it on the screen.

A busy day although I did everything at my own pace.  Later in the evening, I thought I'd hobby a bit but ended up sleeping for about 3.5 hours on the couch and woke up shortly before hubby returned from his bridge evening.  Not too happy about that.  Later, we had a little talk again and again he made a couple of things clear about how his mind works.  He has a difficult time articulating about things that bother him and I oh so appreciate it when he manages to express himself.  Less confusion all around definitely clears the air.  And we didn't even have to raise our voices.  He'll be seeing his former psych again soon, something we're both relieved about.

I have loads to think about and a few decisions and compromises to make ... and a priority list that needs to be rearranged.

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