Measuring device

My only photo is that of the device that I carried around since yesterday morning to measure my blood pressure every 30 minutes over a 24 hour period, because the doctor thought that is was a little higher than it should be when I last went to see her. She was out doing house calls this morning when I went back to have the other end of the device removed from my arm, but the colleague at the practice who checked the readings said that it only looked slightly elevated at certain times and that, in her opinion, it wasn't necessary yet to prescribe any medication for it.

Although it was only somewhat of a nuisance when changing clothes, I was still glad when the end of the device that gets pumped up to record the readings was removed from my arm as it was starting to itch a little underneath it.

Instead of better, my cold has become worse today, but unfortunately there's not much that can be done about it except letting it run its course.

Many thanks for the kind comments and stars on yesterday's blip.

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