Biggest baby step ever!

This morning I drove! :)

Not for very far or for very long but I was determined to do it and I did. Went to the common as I knew if I had to I could leave the car behind & walk home. It was draining and brought on a hot flush but I was ok. Needed a 2 hour nap but that's the cost of progress!

Was going to say it was the weirdest feeling ever but the spinning feelings that started just over 3 weeks ago are actually the weirdest, this was odd though. It was like someone else's hands steering the wheel and changing the gears but I realise it's just my brain re-learning all the bits and pieces.

Coming back was much easier than going so I will be trying to go to work tomorrow, I'm not holding out much hope of getting a great deal done but it'll be a start.

I put a few photos from our little trip out on today's blog :)

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