It’s not my party and I’ll bark if I want to.

Well it wasn’t. It was The Boss’s SeniorNet group annual Christmas shindig and this shows a few of them in the garden. MY garden. So where was I.
Well as official meeter and greeter I was strategically positioned by the front door so I could allllmosst reach folk entering who mostly felt sorry for me and moved so I could get up close and personal. Wanaka folk are a doggy lot thank goodness. 
The problem was that I remained in this strategic position because The Bossess had kinda attached me to the bottom of the stairs railing thingie and had ignored my quiet protests in the general racket that everyone was making.
BUT…once all were gone I got to sweep the lawn, and nearly got to sweep the table too but HE spotted me and I got a cease and desist order. 

Remembering that it was pouring with rain most of the morning this was a remarkable afternoon but I was disappointed that given the average age they didn’t seem to be a dithery bunch that dropped stuff at all. 
The Bottle?
Best quality Ausi  Ginger Beer. These folk were all driving home.

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