Advent Blip Calendar No.4 - Bauble Berries!

Ok so no berries today but baubles 'sort of' look like berries don't they? Anyway there were no berries in Hitchin which is where Peter & I went for lunch today, but the lights inside this bauble caught my eye. We were in Hitchin because I had an appointment with the consultant. He gave what may seem to be an odd combination of advice: I'm to have more massage and try acupuncture for the muscle spasms in my middle back, but as I'm walking without any sciatica or numbness, I'm to increase my walking/swimming times, and, because I have regained full power in my legs..and guys I know you wont 'get this'...I'm allowed to wear heels!  (for parties not hillwalking obs) So yay sexy legs are back!

Prior to going out, I also enjoyed watching our squirrel's acrobatic antics at the bird feeder. I'd like to be as supple as him! He still hasn't found his own feeder, but perhaps he enjoys eating upside down? He's included as an extra as it's Squirrel Friday.

Finally for Philosophy Friday:
Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world - Marilyn Monroe 

EDIT: Given how important blip is to us all, I'd have liked a bit more explanation from BlipCentral, but for an interesting blog with lots of information about investing in the CIC you may like this link: fergusmurray.  As I understand it, we are being invited to register to invest, but we will only pay for shares if the collective pledge reaches the minimum £180 000 required. Personally, given I would have willingly subscribed/ paid a membership fee,  (and can't quite understand why I've never been asked to), I'm more than happy to register to invest. I hope enough of us do so, but I do understand the reluctance of those who've lost money before. I've been blipping for about 10 months free of charge. How much would I have been willing to pay each day for that pleasure? 

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