In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Things can only get better

Started today positively.
June had a doctor's appointment at five, but she cancelled it because our new fridge was due to be delivered between 1520-1920. ( hours not years)
So, as I had emptied the freezer into our chest freezer in the garage yesterday, I emptied the fridge contents into a cool box and sat it in the conservatory with the radiator switched off. Just before we went out for lunch, KnowHow phoned. They are the 'experts' that do the delivery and fitting for Curry's. The girl informed us that the delivery van had broken down and they won't manage until Wednesday. June tried to get them to come tomorrow or Monday, but they only do our area on Wednesday or Friday. They were told not to bother them.
Next Curry's was contacted and they were anything but helpful, so the fridge order was cancelled and a full refund was given over the phone.
Tried to get the doctor's appointment only to be told it had gone and the next one was a week Monday.

I have been listening to all the back dated podcasts of The Infinite Monkey Cage with Robin Ince and Professor Brian Cox, so the title and song is doubly apt.

Anyway, although it is three weeks away, I nipped in past Pittodrie to buy these two tickets for the Boxing Day game. I have my season ticket ofcourse, but these are for Annabel, who is coming up from Co Durham for Xmas, and Arya. It will be Arya's first ever football match.

Some years ago, this man was up in Aberdeen doing something in The Lemon Tree one lunchtime. I think it was promoting a new TV series. I took him down to the station. He has always been one of my comedy Heroes. He was absolutely just as you would expect him to be.

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