There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Dexter Says: Happy Caturday!

Dexter loves Caturday!

On Caturday, we get to do the more important things in life, like spending time with the cat. :-)

We've had some hot days (high 80s and low 90s F, or 30 to 35 C), a few days in a row. But Dexter is one cool kitty.

In this photo, Dexter demonstrates one of his strategies for staying cool: crawling up on some containers so he can lie directly in front of the fan.

And of course there is that old-time favorite, lying in the cool bathtub with a full bowl of water nearby.

He is also a fan of lying flat on the floor, so sprawled out that not one bit of fuzz touches any other bit of fuzz.

The law of conservation of matter states that matter cannot be created or destroyed, merely transformed from one form to another. But with the cat oozing all over the floor like that, you could swear there's more of him than there was before.

"I can't change the laws of physics, Capt'n!" So Scotty said to Captain Kirk in Star Trek. But Cats LIKE to disobey the laws of physics. They're cats, and that's just how they roll!

P.S. Here are some additional tips for keeping pets cool when things get hot. Tip number one is on a hot day, never EVER leave your pet in a parked car. Not even for ONE MINUTE. Not even with the air conditioner on.

P.P.S. Especially when it gets hot and dry out, water becomes precious to all living creatures. Want to help the little critters in your yard in the summer heat? Put out a fresh bowl of cold water and change it regularly. Something shallow enough that little critters who fall in can climb out. Or if it's tall enough for a chipmunk to get stuck in, be sure to put something such as a stick into the container so that a little critter who falls in can use it to climb out.

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