
Have had a day of the exotic things!!

In the Methodist church, and some others too, the Minister's appointment is for a set length of time. At the end of July our current Minister will leave us, to retire actually, so we need to appoint a new one. This is not a quick process especially as this time we are trying to fill the vacancy with a URC Minister - our particular church is a joint Methodist/URC congregation.

Believe it or not the first candidate to come forward is from South Africa!! Luckily he was making a visit to England this summer and was able to attend in person. Not sure how we would have done it otherwise. It must have been a very daunting experience for him and his wife. They met and talked with members of the church yesterday and today he preached. We will meet on Tuesday to decide whether to invite him to take up the appointment. If we don't then another candidate will be put forward.

After that I decided to pay a visit to Henstead Exotic Garden which is just up the road from me. There were quite a few visitors but it's very hard to see them as it is such a jungle. I've been before but not for a while.

The water lilies are in full bloom and the lily pond is alive with the bright electric blue of Damselflies. Not easy to photograph but fascinating to watch.


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