A Crack Of Dawn On The Horizon

I wasn't expecting to see the sun rise this morning and, to be fair, I didn't ... :o|
I did, however, set out on my regular Sunday morning stroll on the off-chance that I might, at least, capture something to use as my blip for today ...
It was all but still dark when I stepped out the back door, and there was a fine drizzle in the air, but something light caught my eye on the Eastern horizon ... I should have nipped back indoors to grab my tripod, because I guessed that if I was going to capture anything like a reasonable image, then it was going to have to be done under very low light conditions ...
But I didn't grab my tripod and instantly regretted it ...
I tried to take several quick shots "freehand", which were disastrous (holding a camera still for two seconds - or even just one second as in this capture - is something I'm not very good at during the best of times, let alone first thing in the morning when I'm still groggy), so I eventually decided that it was a much better idea to rest the camera on the back of a nearby bench ... (which wasn't quite so disastrous) ... :o)
All this was done about half an three quarters of an hour before the actual sunrise, but in the end I was quite glad I'd set out early, because the light seen here had all but vanished just a few minutes after I took this shot ... :o)
The sun eventually rose behind a veil of dismal grey cloud ... :o/

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