
No doubt which image was going to be my blip today.
We struggled out at 11 am to go to Baleshare but the hail and rain caught us out and so a walk was not looking like a good option. Whilst there however, we bumped into another birdwatcher who had just got a call saying there was a Gyr at the N end of South Uist.
The car drove quite quickly down through Benbecula, dropping Tricia off for her yoga - priorities, yoga or a Gyr? I ask you - and arrived in time to see it fly off. Luckily however it settled not too far away although the wind made taking a photo quite difficult. Perhaps it adds to the atmosphere of the image of this Northern bird well away from its natural home.
Bizarrely the bird watcher who found it was actually out looking for a Magpie - a much rarer bird up here than a Gyr. I don't think he was disappointed however.

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