About to burst

I set off early today to drive to Dumfries where I was delivering a lecture mid morning.

Because of the atrocious "Desmond" weather I allowed plenty of time. As it was the journey did not take much longer tan I thought, but it was one of the worst trips in a long time. So much standing water. 5 times on the way south water splashed up by vehicles coming the other way blinded the screen and went over the car roof. And there was so much water that the same thing happened when the immediately filling car passed me.

On the motorway the wind was whipping the spray from the lorries and was swirling the surface water on the roadway there was so much of it.

In the end I arrived with enough time to stop in Dumfries- on the Maxwelltown side - to look over to the Whitesands car park which is notorious for flooding when the Nith is in spate. The water was about 20cm from the lip when I crossed over. The river is tidal so by the afternoon the area had flooded - again. The volume of water was impressive.

Lecture in memory of a children's panel member who, many years ago, died in a road accident when travelling to a hearing seemed to pass if well. Lunch then back up the road, still in high winds and rain in the fading light.

I dozed in the evening!!

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