Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Girls just want to have fun

A ridiculously busy day.  

Mr S had a friend round to replace front door locks (we have no key for them - everyone comes to the back door!) - building work starts Monday and we need to use the front door while the foundations are being dug.

This new extension to the kitchen is a result of 10 years of nagging (by me!) and paid for by the funds from both Mr S's parents house and mine.  I have some of Phil's ashes to put in the foundations.  Seems fitting. Phil liked kitchens (and parties -  its safe to say!).  Our first party in the party room will be a Vinyl one...a chance for Mr S (ans me!) to dig out our old LPs (and Phil and Jim's!) and embarrass our children.

Today was also a meeting to discuss the fundraising for No 2's next trip to Lourdes, closely followed by the dance studio's Christmas Party.  

Children were treated to an amazing party, the room decorations and organisation was second to none (only to be expected from two special ladies who organise it!!), I may have taken a 'snap' or two!

Exam prep for No 1 and No 2.  No 1 is still suffering from tonsilitis.  She has been back for a different antibiotic, which has now run out and she still isn't well.  I'm very worried...she is so busy with work and study and this is really knocking her for 6.

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